
Pool table Options You Can Choose

Tables for pools are conditionally divided on the basis of two parameters: the game for which it is intended, and the price-quality ratio. In our country, the most popular are: pools (pyramid) and the American pool. The dimensions of the playing field for a pool table are from 8 to 12 feet, for a pool of 7-9 feet. Pool tables can also be divided into amateur, professional, commercial and elite. You can go for the best pool table brands based on the below matters.

Pool Room Size

When choosing a pool table, you must correctly calculate its size to ensure a minimum or comfortable size of the pool room. For the calculation, you can use special tables, or you can independently calculate the size of the pool room according to the following formula: add the length of the cue on each side to the size of the playing field of the table (for the pyramid 155-160 cm, for the pool 145 cm).

The main parts of the pool table

The main components of a classic pool table are the frame, tabletop, the base of the playing surface, legs (or supports), side and pocket.

Some experts believe that the frame (or frame) should be made of MDF, since this material is less sensitive to humidity and temperature extremes. Traditionally, the frame is made of solid wood of birch, beech, oak, mahogany, alder, pine, ash or plywood, often the table construction materials are combined: the frame and legs are made of MDF, the sides are made of solid wood. Elite pool tables, of course, are entirely made from a natural array of expensive wood. To preserve the appearance of the pool table is covered with high-quality varnishes and paints.

The best material for the foundation of the playing field is natural slate. On tables with a playing surface of slate, all major competitions are held. In addition to slate, marble, chipboard, concrete, composite material are also used. The main requirements for the base of the playing field are a flat surface and a good roll of balls.

Cloth for pools

The task of the cloth is to provide the smoothest surface of the pool table, along which the ball will roll exactly along the path. Cloth varies in thickness, hairiness and density.

Boards and tires

The pool ball should bounce equally evenly from all sides of the table. The main impact load falls on the sides, and they are made of hard wood. The sides are edged with special rubber with certain game qualities, the strength of the ball rebound and the trajectory of movement depend on it. For rubber, there are requirements for profile configuration and elasticity.


We pay special attention to pockets. The main criterion is for assessing the quality of the geometry of the pocket. In contact with the pocket, the ball should not change the trajectory of movement. The different shape of pockets depends on the general style of the pool table and the variety of pools. It is necessary to check that during contact with the pocket the player could not inflict physical damage on himself.